
★第三張專輯錄製中,2020上半年預計發售 / 3rd album under recording. To be released in early 2020.

目前分類:Album "Behind the Lethal Deceit" (25)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要



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"Behind the Lethal Deceit" 新樂評出爐!

來自瑞典的老牌金屬音樂網誌 Battle Helm!


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!日本音樂電台播出 Crescent Lament 的歌囉!

日本音樂電台“Cinta Kecil の ASIAN ROCK RISING”在最新的第76集節目中,

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英國金屬音樂網站 "Global Metal Apocalypse" 公布三月份聽眾票選的『本月最佳6樂團』,Crescent Lament 獲選為第4名耶!賀!


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!法國音樂網站 “Kochipan” 專訪 Crescent Lament!

“Kochipan” 是一個法國的音樂網路平台,致力推廣亞洲文化與音樂家。

Crescent Lament 在推出首張專輯 "Behind the Lethal Deceit / 末路之召"後,

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2012 Interview about Crescent Lament: by French Musical Website “Kochipan” (Original English Version)

更多關於該訪問的介紹 / More information about this interview

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2012 法國音樂網站 “Kochipan” 專訪(中文翻譯版)

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!Crescent Lament 登上德國音樂雜誌 “Underground Empire”! 

“Underground Empire” 是一個發行於德語區(德國、奧地利、瑞士)的音樂雜誌,


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現在可以在日本買到 Crescent Lament 的專輯與紀念T-shirt囉!


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Crescent Lament 專輯“Behind the Lethal Deceit”,

被英國金屬音樂網站 Global Metal Network 

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賀!!英國樂評家Rhys Stevenson,

替 Crescent Lament 的專輯 "Behind the Lethal Deceit"


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替 Crescent Lament 的專輯 

"Behind the Lethal Deceit" 寫了一篇樂評歐!

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Since “Behind the Lethal Deceit” is a conceptual album, we try to describe this mournful story by “The letters of Joseph & Kate” included in the CD booklet. The following four letters – written by drummer Komet - are extracted from the CD booklet. For more information about the storyline ofBehind the Lethal Deceit”, please see - Album Info for "Behind the Lethal Deceit"

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Behind the Lethal Deceit”是一張概念式專輯,藉由專輯歌詞本內四封

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!! 免費下載 Crescent Lament 電子書 !!

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     :Original lyrics (English)

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等不及要聽 Crescent Lament 的新專輯“Behind the Lethal Deceit”?

我們提供專輯收錄曲 – The Deepest Despair 的高音質mp3


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  Behind the Lethal Deceit is a conceptual album released by Crescent Lament. The story recounted in the album inspired by the wars in former Yugoslavia in the 1990s, with a connection that the band tries to build to the military threat from China that Taiwan faces today, to express the band’s anti-war ideas.

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