比利時音樂誌 “SNOOZECONTROL” 專訪 Crescent Lament!
在 Crescent Lament 受邀參加今年十月比利時的著名音樂祭「Metal Female Voices Fest」後,當然要向比利時及其他各國觀眾介紹一下來自台灣的我們囉!
難道真的可以邀請 Nightwish 的前主唱 Tarja & Leaves' Eyes 的主唱 Liv 一起上台唱台語歌嗎?
以下為刊登在 “SNOOZECONTROL” 上的專訪(英文):
An interview of Crescent Lament - by Belgian webzine “SNOOZECONTROL”!
It's really an excellent opportunity to introduce ourselves before attending the famous Belgian festival "Metal Female Voices Fest"!
It will be truly amazing if we have the chance to invite Tarja and Liv on stage during MFVF!
The article on SNOOZECONTROL is here.