Since “Behind the Lethal Deceit” is a conceptual album, we try to describe this mournful story by “The letters of Joseph & Kate” included in the CD booklet. The following four letters – written by drummer Komet - are extracted from the CD booklet. For more information about the storyline of “Behind the Lethal Deceit”, please see - Album Info for "Behind the Lethal Deceit"
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“Behind the Lethal Deceit”是一張概念式專輯,藉由專輯歌詞本內四封
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!! 免費下載 Crescent Lament 電子書 !!
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Crescent Lament (恆月三途) 專輯紀念版 T-shirt 登場!
為專輯 "Behind the Lethal Deceit/末路之召" 發行的限量紀念T-shirt,
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:Original lyrics (English)
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Crescent Lament 首張專輯 - “Behind the Lethal Deceit”,2011年11月發行。
Crescent Lament debut album - “Behind the Lethal Deceit”, released in November, 2011.
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