★ 如何購買“花殤 / Elegy for the Blossoms”專輯?
1) 購買實體專輯(價格:新台幣400元) :
A)直接向Crescent Lament購買。
或在Crescent Lament臉書粉絲專頁私訊詢問。
C) 新加坡及馬來西亞的聽眾,可向新加坡唱片行 "Inokii" 購買。
"Inokii" 網路商店:www.letssavethecd.com
2) 購買線上數位專輯 :
★ How to buy the album “花殤 / Elegy for the Blossoms”?
1) To buy the physical album:
A) Contact Crescent Lament directly.
We can send the physical albums, including overseas service.
For audience in Taiwan,
it takes 13 US dollars and 3 working days.
For audience not in Taiwan,
it takes 20 US dollars and 7-10 working days.
We use PayPal to receive the remittance.
For details, please send us an email: crescentlament@gmail.com
or a message to Crescent Lament's Facebook Fanpage.
B) At every CD store in Taiwan since 2015/07/08.
C) For audience in Singapore and Malaysia, you can buy the album
from the metal music store "Inokii" in Singapore.
Webstore of "Inokii": www.letssavethecd.com
2) To buy the ditigal album:
Estimated release time: August, 2015