01. 晴雨 / Sedative Rain
作曲 / Music: 周岳弘 / Komet Chou, 葉丞勛 / Jedi Yeh
(演奏曲 / Instrumental)
* 附註:「晴雨」哼唱旋律取自日治時期台語歌謠「雨夜花」。
* The vocal melody in “Sedative Rain” was from a famous Taiwanese song
in the 1930s.
02. 月映西窗 / Lullaby of Sanctuary
作曲 / Music: 周岳弘 / Komet Chou
作詞 / Taiwanese lyrics: 周慕姿 / Muer Chou, 陳宗緯 / Warose Chen
英譯 / English translation: 周岳弘 / Komet Chou
A broken shadow was left behind, dancing singly under the moonshine
A lullaby from the distant memory comforts me through lonely nights
聲聲入心 夢夜雨漲秋池
醒來看無你形影 愁思入海
雨聲入耳 歸期遙遙無定
In dreams you always come, with the lullaby being hummed
A drop of crystal tear, then wake me up at dawn
In reality you have gone, leaving the lullaby staying dumb
Here I am still waiting for the last perfect sound
A broken shadow was left behind, dancing singly under the moonshine
A lullaby from the distant memory comforts me through lonely nights
- 夢 中影 親像茫霧
- 欲倚近 散
- 彼時情境已無望 看破紅塵度後生
- 聲 誰人 滿耳喚
- 伴雨聲
- A familiar figure, a familiar voice
- A familiar song repeats in the mist
- Are you speaking to me?
- Who is speaking to me?
- No one is speaking to me!
聲聲入心 夢夜雨漲秋池
醒來看無你形影 愁思入海
雨聲入耳 歸期遙遙無定
In dreams you always come, with the lullaby being hummed
A drop of crystal tear, then wake me up at dawn
In reality you have gone, leaving the lullaby staying dumb
Here I am still waiting for the last perfect sound
03. 風月場 / A Mental Escape
作曲 / Music: 周岳弘 / Komet Chou
作詞 / Taiwanese lyrics: 周慕姿 / Muer Chou
英譯 / English translation: 周岳弘 / Komet Chou
未來茫茫無所依 親像斷線的風吹
浮浮沈沈 無人牽無人通倚依
船無舵漂流海中 越頭四面無岸
I am searching for a way out, an escape to free me now
Hold my breath and hide my footprints from being found
but demons are lurking around, drooling and waiting to hunt
Save me! Right now!
花枝招展 牽阮入室
珠翠環繞 人散衣香留
Confine my soul to burning hell
Drown my will to free myself
Undress me as playing with a doll
Deprive me of the purity of thoughts
- 梳頭 抹粉
- 笑迎入人客
- Teasing, flirting,
- A smile beyond captivating
- 細腳 查某
- 翻飛紅眠床
- Touching, feeling,
- An intention beyond cuddling
孤鳥 飛入茫茫空中
毋知 欲飛去叨位
振翅 卻予人關在籠中
驚覺 四面無路
彼當時 父母栽花換斗米
疼阮入心 怎樣放阮落入風月場
An orphan fledgling in fright
flees to bloodily violent sky
With sickly wings and blind eyes,
she won’t have a chance to fly high
A girl gifted with beauty
was fated to begin a lonely journey
Imprisoned in bygone memories,
she lost in endless tragedies
Poor little girl, one day you will realize
An orphan fledgling will never survive;
a puppet girl will never feel alive
未來茫茫無所依 親像斷線的風吹
浮浮沈沈 無人牽無人通倚依
船無舵漂流海中 越頭四面無岸
I am searching for a way out, an escape to free me now
Hold my breath and hide my footprints from being found
but demons are lurking around, drooling and waiting to hunt
Save me! Right now!
04. 繁花落盡 / Last Embrace
作曲 / Music: 周岳弘 / Komet Chou, 邱振華 / Wat Chiu
作詞 / Taiwanese lyrics: 周慕姿 / Muer Chou
英譯 / English translation: 周岳弘 / Komet Chou
風吹破窗無月暗暝 猶原哮聲伴阮入眠
親像卡桑離開彼當時 我毋願
Frosty wind chases the moonlight away,
unlocking a dusty chest that hides my saddest past
Dear mother, the warmth of your last embrace
still stays in my every breath
聽著寂寞的落雨聲 花蕊滿地
Lonely melody echoing in the rain
Rusted leaves lingering on the doorframe
I drown myself in eternal pain
夜夜暗淡無月暗暝 多桑不時在買醉
思念一杯杯飲袂離 想起彼當時
Scary dark engulfs the moonlight silently,
eroding a dusty chest that hides my saddest story
Dear father, the cold of your last embrace
remains vivid in my every nightmare
風中的花蕊 敢會替阮傳批信
暗暝窗外花的香味 親像你伴阮彼一日
The breeze whispers in the garden
Can you carry a message to heaven?
The flowers spread fragrance with nostalgic smell,
reminding me of the day of our farewell
- 船 入港 風 湧起落
- 水螺聲響 急催毋停 孤身隻影
- 分離的運命
- Fate took you away
- Fate made me stay
- A desperate hope never unchained
- 斬斷紅線 越頭毋看 咫尺天涯
- 註定的運命 看破
- Fate forced us to separate
- A destined fate never unchained
風中的花蕊 敢會替阮傳批信
暗暝窗外花的香味 親像你伴阮彼一日
The breeze whispers in the garden
Can you carry a message to heaven?
The flowers spread fragrance with nostalgic smell,
reminding me of the day of our farewell
風中的花蕊 飛落土攏無看見
阮心內向望 猶原是空
The breeze whispering in the garden rests beside me in silence
The message to heaven returns to me unnoticed
05. 殘香 / Flavor of Emptiness
作曲 / Music: 周岳弘 / Komet Chou
作詞 / Taiwanese lyrics: 周慕姿 / Muer Chou
英譯 / English translation: 周岳弘 / Komet Chou
Don’t grieve for me
Don’t solace me with the words you don’t even believe
The rain is crying for me
as a lament mourns for my destiny
Don’t try to save me
Don’t pretend you know how to set me free
The rain is falling on me
All of a sudden I find there is no place to flee
針針繡入阮相思 隨風如葉飄落海湧
聲聲彈著斷情曲 音暗啞人去無聽
I keep on longing for angel wings
that can fly me away far from my grief
I stay drifting to eternity,
singing my story through my sad poetry
針針繡入阮哀悲 隨風如葉飄落海湧
聲聲彈著斷情曲 音暗啞人去無聽
I keep on longing for angel wings
that can fly me away far from my grief
I stay drifting to eternity,
singing my story through my sad poetry
06. 尪仔面 / Masked Doll
作曲 / Music: 周岳弘 / Komet Chou
作詞 / Taiwanese lyrics: 周慕姿 / Muer Chou, 陳宗緯 / Warose Chen
英譯 / English translation: 周岳弘 / Komet Chou
眉畫嘴抹胭脂紅 黑齒塗齊
粉面紅唇展豔姿 目笑亂亂飛
Sitting in front of the mirror,
she cries as usual
Still, she puts on a perfect makeup,
and steps on the stage with smile
看這尪仔的命 每日踅呀踅無停煞
這尪仔的命 為別人無為自己活
Look! What a pretty geisha!
So gorgeous, so graceful!
She captivates me with a song,
sung by her pure soul
Look! What a miserable geisha!
With no escape,
She fights forlornly against her fate
尪仔面 生著真美
尪仔面 是阮毋是
日子踅煞 已經袂記
“Masked doll” - that is the name I call her
She smiles sweetly to the patrons around
“Masked doll” - that is the name she is called
Does she realize or not the good old days are gone?
尪仔面 生著真美
尪仔面 是阮毋是
日子踅煞 已經拍毋見
“Masked doll” - that is the name I call her
She smiles sweetly to the patrons around
“Masked doll” - that is the name she is called
Does she realize or not the good old days are gone?
- 陪 笑嘛毋是真
- 人情冷暖 攏 看真輕
- 脂 粉下的風塵
- 迷茫的捘著 伊的後生
- Hide sadness behind a smile
- Conceal emotions with a denial
- Who is the real me?
- I wish I could tell!
看這尪仔的命 每日踅呀踅無停煞
這尪仔的命 為別人無為自己活
Look! What a pretty geisha!
So gorgeous, so graceful!
She captivates me with a song,
sung by her pure soul.
Look! What a miserable geisha!
With no escape,
She fights forlornly against her fate
07. 煙花易寒 / Once Blossomy
作曲 / Music: 周岳弘 / Komet Chou
作詞 / Taiwanese lyrics: 周慕姿 / Muer Chou
英譯 / English translation: 周岳弘 / Komet Chou
青春 隨風散去 珠淚當作是胭脂
紅顏 笑阮薄命格 假愛當作是真情
Dream faded away, like dust in the wind
Tears roll down, lingering on her hands
A beauty with a miserable fate
shall know betrayal will appear again
可笑 錯將僥倖當癡情
Shall know misfortune will never end!
哮阮孤單 醉夢夢醒無一暗
Like a delicate flower shivering in the dark,
the passing wind tears her heart apart
Like a delicate flower blossoming in the dark,
she buries all the sadness under her makeup
飄落在繁華 白蓮亦不值
Withered flowers, falling petals,
together they whisper an elegy for her pure soul
(Radio broadcasting)
Today, a famous geisha was found to hang herself at her residence.
She left a letter to disclose the real life of geisha.
The misery and grief were far beyond people’s imagination.
Some poets wrote memorial essays for the unfortunate young lady,
and ……
穿好阮紅衫 抹面梳頭鬃
白綾一尺 過樑 走阮 眠夢
飄落在繁華 白蓮亦不值
Dressed in red, with beautifully combed hair,
she ceased all the sufferings without being hesitant
Withered flowers, falling petals,
together they whisper an elegy for her pure soul
哮阮孤單 醉夢夢醒無一暗
Like a delicate flower shivering in the dark,
the passing wind tears her heart apart
Like a delicate flower blossoming in the dark,
she buries all the sadness under her makeup
看破 薄命 一逝
White petals drift down in silence,
settling on her pretty body in red dress
A miserable life that perished tonight
becomes a beautiful memory in people’s mind
08. 風.聲起 / Autumn Rustle
作曲 / Music: 葉丞勛 / Jedi Yeh, 陳宗緯 / Warose Chen
(演奏曲 / Instrumental)
09. 梧桐落 / When Leaves Buried the Promise
作曲 / Music: 周岳弘 / Komet Chou, 葉丞勛 / Jedi Yeh
作詞 / Taiwanese lyrics: 周慕姿 / Muer Chou, 陳宗緯 / Warose Chen
英譯 / English translation: 周岳弘 / Komet Chou
梧桐夜雨人難眠 秋娘望月動悲吟
千金買笑眾人輕 只盼自由身
Roaring and screaming, a midnight storm is raging
Shaking and trembling, a dying tree is struggling
梧桐夜雨人難眠 秋娘望月動悲吟
千金買笑眾人輕 只盼自由身
Roaring and screaming, a midnight storm is raging
Shaking and trembling, a dying tree is struggling
風掩珠簾月當暝 嬌顏初霞盼良人
果真解語語誰知 只恨情意遲
Under the tree you held me tight
A promise needs no words to describe
Under the tree you waved me goodbye
A promise crosses space and time
- 孤 夜 親像無盡止哀茫茫 唯獨思念
- 笑 顏 隨君別離日漸消逝 敢講君歸真無望
- Illuminated by the moonlight, I lost my secret place to hide
- Your shadow becomes a stranger too pale to be recognized
送君一別相思難絕 風定落花深
青春美景一去如煙消逝 恩愛無百年
垂柳同折盼君歸 月盈滿思
On my heart you made your mark, which gives me strength and warms me up
Even though we are forced apart, I can still feel your beating heart
Will you keep on loving me from afar, or will the promise be torn apart?
送君一別相思難絕 風定落花深
青春美景一去如煙消逝 恩愛無百年
垂柳同折盼君歸 月盈滿思
On my heart you made your mark, which gives me strength and warms me up
Even though we are forced apart, I can still feel your beating heart
Will you keep on loving me from afar, or will the promise be torn apart?
10. 還君明珠 / Just Not Meant to Be
作曲 / Music: 周岳弘 / Komet Chou
作詞 / Taiwanese lyrics: 周慕姿 / Muer Chou
英譯 / English translation: 周岳弘 / Komet Chou
曉風殘月黃花堆 淚濕衣衫望君歸
歸期遲遲似無情 初蕊哪堪秋風折
The first snow gives a death blow
Nothing stays alive even my fading hope
My world stopped turning long ago
Winter means nothing but a past ghost
沾樹無停燕倦飛 琵琶獨彈孤衾寒
春柳原是軟腰肢 風吹無奈隨風去
The first thunder awakes torrential rainfall
It floods everything including my fading hope
My clock stopped ticking long ago
Spring means nothing but another fraud
悲 與君再逢已百年 知音難揣 良木亦難覓
哀別離 淚眼相對嘆無語 只盼 魂夢與君同
So many winters have passed
I’m still stuck in the past
Sketch your face from memory
Pray the drawing to become reality
How many springs have passed?
I can’t even remember
The cruel fate gives us a harsh test
Will you return to me before it’s too late?
女:你轉來的 遮爾晚
男:這幾年 你過了如何
女:媽媽做主 後個月 林桑會來娶我入門
男:(嘆)是我 轉來的 傷過晚啊
女:是太晚 咱 有緣無份
Man: (Door opened)…I, I am back.
Woman: Finally. I thought I wouldn’t see you again.
Man: How have you been all these years?
Woman: The mama-san made a trade with Mr. Lin recently.
I will be settled in his mansion next month.
Man: That rich old man? You are going to be his concubine?
Woman: At least I won’t be dying alone as a wandering ghost.
Man: (Sigh) It’s allmy fault. I should have been back earlier.
Woman: You’re just too late. The fate has played a terrible joke on us.
Maybe we are just not meant to be together.
沾樹無停燕倦飛 琵琶獨彈孤衾寒
春柳原是軟腰肢 風吹無奈隨風去
The first thunder awakes torrential rainfall
It floods everything including my fading hope
My clock stopped ticking long ago
Spring means nothing but another fraud
悲 與君再逢已百年 知音難揣 良木亦難覓
哀別離 淚眼相對嘆無語 只盼 魂夢與君同
So many winters have passed
I’m still stuck in the past
Sketch your face from memory
Pray the drawing to become reality
How many springs have passed?
I can’t even remember
The cruel fate gives us a harsh test
Will you return to me before it’s too late?