* 專輯資訊 / Album Info
Elegy for the Blossoms Info (Eng)
* 購買資訊 / How to Buy
* 影音試聽 / Audio & Video
歌曲試聽 "尪仔面" / Free mp3 demo "Masked Doll"
歌曲試聽 "煙花易寒" / Free mp3 demo "Once Blossomy"
"還君明珠" MV / "Just Not Meant to Be" Official MV
"尪仔面" MV / "Masked Doll" Official MV
"風.聲起" MV / "Autumn Rustle" Official MV
"梧桐落" MV / "When Leaves Buried the Promise" Official MV
"殘香" MV / "Flavor of Emptiness" Lyrics MV
"還君明珠" MV預告 / "Just Not Meant to Be" MV teaser
* 專輯樂評&訪問 / Album Review & Interview
荷蘭音樂誌樂評 / Review: "VIXENS" (Holland)
英國音樂誌樂評 / Review: "Global Metal Apocalypse" (UK)
Angry Metal Guy音樂誌樂評 / Review: "Angry Metal Guy"
台灣樂評 by 馬瓜 / Review by 馬瓜 (Taiwan)
比利時音樂誌 "SNOOZECONTROL" 專訪 / Interview: SNOOZECONTROL (Belgium)
羅馬尼亞音樂誌 "AJIA NO TENGOKU ~ アジアの天国" 專訪 / Interview: AJIA NO TENGOKU ~ アジアの天国 (Romania)
金屬音樂誌 "NO CLEAN SINGING" 專訪 / Interview: NO CLEAN SINGING by Happy Metal Guy